Wednesday, May 26, 2010


HFMD has eaten into our homeschool schedule. We were off school for nearly 2 weeks. So now it's catch up time! But then this is what homeschool is all about, isn't it? No need to be so uptight about schedules. Flexibility is the keyword. That's the beauty of it all.

Ben has started 'formal' homeschool, with Christ Centered Phonics minus the written work for now. I will be starting him on CCC Math as soon as I get his little study table tidied up so that he can sit there. It's such a joy teaching these little children who are eager to learn and look at you with eager eyes, sitting straight up in their chair. Sooooo cute!

Sarah and I have loosened up on the Mystery of History work because it's a bit beyond her. We'll probably go through it again, and do the timeline and other projects at a later time.

Someone I know was lamenting the fact that her Primary One son has lost interest in learning. She was wishing that he could learn at his own pace, and go back to having fun while learning. So I told her to homeschool! LOL! She's genuinely interested, and will come and visit me one of these days soon.

Exemption is due soon, and I'm not ready! So many things not done yet, and so little time to do it! I must once again sacrifice the homeschool schedule to do this 'nonsense'. *sigh*. But then again, exciting times are ahead!

Monday, May 3, 2010

We're back

WOW! It's been a long time since I last blogged here. Lots has happened. Let me see, where shall I begin?
Well, at the end of March, the family took a break from homeschooling (not our scheduled break, mind you) to make a loooooooonnnnnngggg trip to the US for Gary's PhD defense. Foolhardy or not, it was quite a nice time away. The long flight was quite a pain though, and the kids took a week to get over jet lag. We thought we could have some nice field trips looking at the spring flowers. But alas, when we got there, the trees were still bare to the bone. Hardly any flowers to be seen, let alone leaves! It only started to turn green on our last week, and by then we were too busy with other things to really do much study.

The good weather there did not do much for our eczema. It was far too dry. In fact, we all got itchier. Gabriel loved the fresh milk there, but we had to stop it after he started having mucousy stools. Too much lactose in the milk I think. Ben was acting up, as always. Sarah had a good time, met new friends, renewed old acquaintances, watched PBS.

The kids most enjoyed visiting the Indiannapolis Children's Museum, Wonderlab and Conner Prairie.

Now it's back to the grindstone, have to catch up on what we missed. I'm also starting to get my curriculum for the next 6 years together and write a document for the Exemption from Compulsory Education for Sarah. It needs to be done bit by bit otherwise I'll never be able to finish it.

Our prayer needs for this week are that Sarah learn not to waste so much time in dilly-dallying; that Ben be more cooperative and less rebellious, and that Gabriel put on some weight.

Ok.... breakfast time.