At times, I think that this homeschooling thing is not going too well. We're always running late, the kids are not attentive, they don't come when called, they dilly-dally over starting school. I also have to clean the house, cook the meals as well as wait around for them to follow instructions. Then there's the problem of the kids messing up the floor as soon as I have finished cleaning it. Also the foolish one who disobeys and plays with a toy at meal time, and subsequently knocks over his whole plate of rice (right after I have cleaned the floor). Is this 'redeeming the time?' Then there is the one who decides to throw a tantrum over the shirt I have put on him to go out. Just as we are trying to get out of the house, he vomits his meal. We were going to be nice and early for the gymnastics class, but now that I have to clean up the puke, we'll be late. Late, late, late. How can we be early for once?
Dear Father,
I'm sorry that I have not redeemed the time. I'm sorry that I am also guilty of wasting time, and leaving things to the last minute. Please forgive me. Forgive the kids too, of not realizing that time does not wait for them. Help them to control their impulses and to be able to be more forward-looking. Help us to get to our next appointment with time to spare. In Jesus' name, Amen.