Friday, September 6, 2013

A Random Post first...

Having not posted for quite some time (again), I really WANT to be more regular.  I think I will make some plans for my future posts.  This blog is actually a personal diary of our homeschooling journey.  For all you readers/followers out there, sorry, this is not one of those blogs that natter about everything under the sun, nor does it give helpful advice on how to do this or that.

However, now that I'm embarking on my 2nd official homeschool application (for Benjamin), I have plans for the following :
1.  How my 'Classical' Christian homeschool is getting along (aka what's so 'Classical' about my homeschool)

2.  Sarah's Progress

3.  Ben's Progress

4.  Struggles of our daily schooling

5.  The joys and fun of our homeschool life

OK.  So that's the next 5 posts.  See you here real soon!